The answers are right in front of our faces. Terms like "mysteries" and "anomalies" are just words that programmed people use to excuse the fact that ALL THESE THINGS WE SEE in this world around us do NOT fit into the politically correct FALSE paradigm they indoctrinated us into.
REVELATION 10:7 (Holy Bible)
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
If you found or received one of these cards above, it is because YOU are LOVED!!!
Congratulations, you have finally arrived at the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the #GreatAwakening
The Rollout of the "Mark of the Beast" system is HERE! Hand Scanners, forehead scanners and the Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine ID.
Click here to watch video:
The INVENTOR of mRNA Vaccine Technology SPEAKS out with URGENT WARNINGS. Must see!
Covid "Virus" and Computer Virus = SAME THING. BIOweapons and BIOhacking DNA. Smart Viruses, neural implants, OPTOGENTICS ... Please WAKE UP!
I posted this video months BEFORE JAN 6th, warning they were planning a false flag "Reichstag" event to label Christians and Conservatives "Domestic Terrorists"... and then it happened. I showed the documents and evidence that the FBI has been involved in setting up this narrative through Ruby Ridge, Waco and the Oklahoma city bombing. I even show the documents where BIDEN was personally involved in the legislation after the Oklahoma City Bombing during Clinton, and again as VP under Obama.
Click here to watch video:
Communist Coup, Election Fraud, Banana Republic
Treason and Tyranny
The Overthrow of Western Civilization
Click here to watch video:
Operation Dark Winter, FEMA Camps, The List
WHAT IS CANZUK? Why does it include the most tyrannical covid nations Canada, Australia, NZ, UK?
The Rise of the FOURTH REICH "Black Sun"
The Great Reset and The New World Order
Horrifying NAZI History of
DIGITAL "Vaccine PASSPORT" Companies
Getting Government Contracts NOW
Paranormal Activity or Hidden Underground Bases?
Staging Sleeper Cells on/under American Soil
MYSTERY or Hidden Technologies?
5G, Directed Energy Weapons, SOCIAL DISTANCING
Click HERE to watch video:
Did you know that biometric hand scanners have ALREADY been installed all across America in HOSPITALS, Amazon Stores, etc?
Evidence, patents, news clips exposing the obvious conspiracy of Communists and Corporate Fascists
who created this PLANdemic
to cull and control the world population.
... for by thy pharmakea were all nations deceived.
The original texts of the Bible use the word "PHARMAKEA" (look it up in your concordance) which some English versions translate to the word sorcery, but Pharma-kea means exactly what it says... Pharma. This End Times Bible prophecy has always warned that all the nations of the world would be deceived into taking the Mark of the Beast through Big Pharma deceptions.
...with which HE DECEIVED them that had received the MARK OF THE BEAST...
Constitutional Expert declares that the State can literally kidnap you and hold you down and inject you against your will, like you are a mental patient, if you stand up against the political mandates.
*Disclaimer: Obviously, everything I share on my own vlog is just my personal opinion and for all legal purposes should be considered alleged and speculation only. I am not a medical doctor, nor am I diagnosing or prescribing treatment for any illness. All content on this website, my vlog, podcast, blog, livestreams and all other affiliated sites where my content is hosted is for entertainment purposes only.
The Documentary They Don't Want YOU To See
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
Vaxxed II:
The People's Truth
PLANDEMIC: In-doctor-nation
Compilations of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and DEATHS that have been censored and covered up by the mainstream media and Big Tech Social Media. There are millions upon hundreds of millions worldwide... this is just a sample.
The BIGGEST SECRET Hidden in Plain SIGHT - REAL Petrified GIANTS all over Earth
Another HUGE SECRET Hidden in Plain SIGHT - Giant TREES in the "Garden" of Earth